mijan27 Trophy Card

Saturday, August 28, 2010

My abg zai :D

"You've gone thru a lot of bad times but u never fail to keep smiling each time and at the end of day standing stronger and better than ever.. :)

On the upside u've landed urself a good job and u've proven ur me thats an accomplishm...ent and definitely a promise well kept ;)"

Thank you abg made my day

Thursday, August 5, 2010

My unemployment and my cup of joe

I have to admit that i hacen't been active with i just lost the hype...or maybe....the connection is sucky......

lol's a recap oof me few days ago...

Simple as that, i quit Fosa Sdn Bhd!!.... Hahaha...

Well it's not just me, Hafiz ia jua, and Waie....haha

i've been into an interview in god knows what my position will be.....and currently waiting for the results which will be in two weeks time...hehehe...

i keep reassuring myself that i got the job, well the interviwee said that im in a safe position for the job~~.....but im still nervous with waiting.....hmmmmm

last night i went Sushi with Abg Zai, i was suppose to bring my sweetheart with me, but ada bit mis-communication, but no matter sweety, hari lain ada lagi tu hehehehe....

Anyways, abg zai treated me sushi, which *ehem* org atu kelaparann mkn laju2 right after arrving benar2....pasal inda mkn lunch tu....

so kids, dont skip lunch walaupun busy, end up in my blog :P......

so we talk alot lah...mainly my choice of works arah company2 yg "professional" like company "b" bkn nama sebenar or "f" bkn nama

then we drove off to coffee bean, kana lanja caramel latte~~~....and lepak sana lagi for a while and talk about alot of thing, mainly about the future...then thank god, masuk kereta a few minutes early before it drove around pasal kan liat college hahaha...

well during the point from coffee-beaning to driving around atu, something caught my mind...hehe..well i was talking to abg zai that i love of my many childhood dreams was to be an editor or a

i know im good with my writings it created this spark of interest to blog lagiii...hehehe

so thats it, im still gonna continue this blog...hehe.....

Well, a big thanks to abg zai for rubbing my hair semlm which made me very sleepy on the road...haha and a very big thanks for the sushi and a cup of joe....hehehe lain x lagi~~~ ;p 27th is coming up......haha...and doa2 kan adi dpt baiduri ah, then i can prove to you that adi pandai kerja....hahaha....6 months tops...:p hahaha