mijan27 Trophy Card

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My NDS birthday just pass

im having so much fun with it, had a surprise(abit expected)birthday cake.

I think i owe a big thanks to Miez and YOU...especially you, we've been going out for like just a few weeks, that suprise me the most actually. And it made me smile the whole day next day :D Thank you~~~

So leaning on the topic of my birthday....I brought myself a new toy... A NDS!!....with pokemon heartgold and final fantasy tactic as one of the games...hehehe.......i've been playing it quite a while now...but im still doing a pretty good job with my job.....even my boss knows i played pokemon this morning he ask me what pokemon i had in my pokewalker (which resides on my belt)

here is just a quickiy blog tho....malas panjang2.....10 mins lagi balik rumah...kelmarin dah overtime lol